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Chrome Bookmarks

by Google Tips

Posted on September 21, 2016

We are moving away from Safari, Firefox, and (goodness, please tell my you don't still use) Explorer in favor of Google's browser, Chrome. There are several reasons to make this change. Since we are all using Google Apps now (right?) you will quickly notice that everything works better in Chrome. Plus, Chrome can update itself. And there are all those really cool extensions for Chrome. But here is yet another reason to switch.


When you log into Chrome and set a bookmark, that bookmard is available to you no matter which machine you are using. The bookmarks stay with your account, not the preferences on the machine. This is a good thing. If your computer crashes or you have to create a new computer account, all your stuff on Chrome will still be there! The same is true for your history and your people. 

If you need assistance using Google Apps, don't hesitate to ask me. I'm learning too, but I'll help all I can.